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About the Ford iB5 gearbox 5 speed transmission

posted on 29 December 2024 in Ford ib5 gearbox information.

Ford iB5 Gearbox information.The Ford IB5 gearbox is a 5-speed manual transmission that has seen widespread use in Ford's small & medium sized vehicles for several decades. Known for its compact desig...more info >>>

Information about the Ford Sierra Cosworth.

posted on 15 December 2024 in Ford Sierra Cosworth

The Ford Sierra Cosworth.The Sierra Cosworth came about because Ford wanted to dominate motorsport & win.. In those days, if you wanted to race in touring car competitions, you had to build road-going...more info >>>

Information about Caterham Seven models from 1973 to 2022

posted on 15 December 2024 in Caterham Seven information.

Caterham Cars are world renowned for their lightweight 7 style sports cars, & have produced various models over the years, most evolving from the original Lotus Seven designs. Below is a chronological...more info >>>

About the Ford Anglia 105E: A British Ford Classic

posted on 11 December 2024 in Ford Anglia 105E

The Ford Anglia 105E: A British Ford ClassicThe Ford Anglia 105E was introduced to the world in 1959, & holds a special place in the hearts of many who lived through the golden age of British motoring...more info >>>

Why are SKF bearings so good and such a high quality bearing brand.

posted on 14 November 2023 in SKF BEARINGS

SKF bearings are renowned for their exceptional quality and superior performance, and there are several key factors that contribute to their high reputation in the industry:Precision Engineering: SKF ...more info >>>

What Aston Martins used the ZF S5/24 manual gearbox

posted on 13 November 2023 in ASTON MARTIN GEARBOXES

The ZF S5/24 manual gearbox was a notable transmission used in several classic Aston Martin models. This gearbox was known for its robustness and performance, and it was offered as an option in severa...more info >>>

What makes the Type 9 gearbox in the Ford Sierra or Granada or Caterham 7 jump out of reverse gear

posted on 7 November 2023 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

When the clutch in the Type 9 gearbox doesn't work properly, it can make the reverse gear jump out. Here's why it can:Poor clutch clearing. Imagine the clutch as the middleman between the engine and t...more info >>>

Why GL5 oils shouldn't be used in a Type 9 Ford gearbox with brass/bronze synchro rings

posted on 5 November 2023 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

Using GL-5 gear oil in a Ford Type 9 gearbox with brass or bronze synchro rings can be problematic due to the additives in GL-5 oils. The primary concern is the presence of extreme-pressure (EP) addit...more info >>>

What noise symptoms happen to the 5 speed Ford Type 9 gearbox if the front input shaft main bearing fails and what gears would be affected most

posted on 5 November 2023 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

When the front input shaft main front bearing in a 5-speed Ford Type 9 gearbox fails, it can produce lots of noise symptoms, and specific gears can be affected.Here are the common noise symptoms and t...more info >>>

What does a synchro or baulk ring do in a manual Ford gearbox ?

posted on 1 January 2023 in Gearbox parts and what they do.

A synchromesh ring, also called a synchronizer, synchro or baulk ring, is a component in a Ford manual transmission that helps the gears to engage smoothly when shifting. It is normally a small, flat ...more info >>>

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