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What makes the Type 9 gearbox in the Ford Sierra or Granada or Caterham 7 jump out of reverse gear

posted on 7 November 2023 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

When the clutch in the Type 9 gearbox doesn't work properly, it can make the reverse gear jump out. Here's why it can:Poor clutch clearing. Imagine the clutch as the middleman between the engine and t...more info >>>

Why GL5 oils shouldn't be used in a Type 9 Ford gearbox with brass/bronze synchro rings

posted on 5 November 2023 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

Using GL-5 gear oil in a Ford Type 9 gearbox with brass or bronze synchro rings can be problematic due to the additives in GL-5 oils. The primary concern is the presence of extreme-pressure (EP) addit...more info >>>

What noise symptoms happen to the 5 speed Ford Type 9 gearbox if the front input shaft main bearing fails and what gears would be affected most

posted on 5 November 2023 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

When the front input shaft main front bearing in a 5-speed Ford Type 9 gearbox fails, it can produce lots of noise symptoms, and specific gears can be affected.Here are the common noise symptoms and t...more info >>>


posted on 19 December 2017 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

UPRATED HEAVY DUTY 2ND GEAR SYNCHRO RING FOR FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX This synchroniser ring has about 40% more internal brass surface area in contact with the steel 2nd gear than standard aftermarket ring...more info >>>

How to tell what Ford Type 9 gearbox you have

posted on 20 January 2014 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

Here is a photo explaining about the differences between the input shaft lengths and front cover types fitted to the Ford T9 transmission unit.The main differences between Type 9 gearboxes input shaft...more info >>>

Ford Type 9 Gearbox Input Shaft Lengths

posted on 23 September 2013 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

A common question I get asked is how long are the different variations of the Ford Type 9 input shaft. Hopefully the pdf you can download below will help answer a few questions. If you need any more i...more info >>>

La réalisation d'une légende: La Ford Type 9 boîte de vitesses. Chapitre 2

posted on 23 February 2013 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

La réalisation d'une légende: La Ford Type 9 boîte de vitesses. Chapitre 2Les problèmes rencontrés sur le T9:Bien que le T9 pourrait faire face aux exigences de couple des moteurs produisant jusqu'à e...more info >>>

La réalisation d'une légende: La Ford Type 9 boîte de vitesses. Chapitre 1

posted on 20 February 2013 in FORD TYPE 9 GEARBOX

La réalisation d'une légende: La Ford Type 9 boîte de vitesses. Chapitre 1Le cinq vitesses boîte de vitesses Ford Type 9 a été le premier 5 vitesses monté sur la production Ford véhicules à propulsion...more info >>>