CATERHAM SEVEN GEARBOX and DIFF PARTS > Caterham Seven 4 speed Ford Escort Type 2 gearbox
> Caterham Seven 4 speed Ford Escort Type 2 gearbox
Here you will find repair and service components for the Ford 4 speed "Type 2" gearbox that was found in many 1970's and 1980's Caterham Sevens.
Bolts onto the back of a Ford Kent 1300 and 1600 engine and the clutch bellhousing does not remove.
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Sold out this week, check back in 4 weeks
Sold out this week, check back in 4 weeks
Sold out this week, check back in 4 weeks
Sold out this week, check back in 4 weeks
Sold out this week, check back in 4 weeks
Sold out this week, check back in 4 weeks
Sold out this week, check back in 4 weeks